Dear Players and Parents,
As we look forward to another (hopefully full) season of football, we would like to extend an invitation for you and your family to register with Bosco Football Club for the upcoming 2022 season.
All players are to register online from 7th January 2022 at PLEASE NOTE THE $100 ACTIVE KIDS WILL BE AVAILABLE AGAIN FOR 2022. CONTACT SERVICE NSW TO OBTAIN YOUR VOUCHER CODE. All Players who register and pay before 31 January 2022 will enter draw for a $100.00 Rebel Voucher
All players must register online, however, players new to football and/or new to football in the Sutherland Shire are also required to attend the advertised registration day to provide appropriate documentation for proof of residency and identification. Registration for new players will be held at THE WHO CLUBHOUSE – Willaroo Avenue, Woronora Heights NSW 2233 on the following days:
Thursday 3rd February 2022 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Wednesday 9th February 2022 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Players are reminded that registrations received after the 20th February 2022 will depend purely on team vacancies. As a returning player, you will still be able to lodge your application online however acceptance for registration will occur only if there is a vacancy in the age group/team you are applying for & the full registration fee will apply.
After 2 years of disrupted season’s BOSCO FC has decided to provide heavy discounts to ALL registrations for the 2022 season. These discounts are partly made available through the reduction of the SSFA’s fee to the club being reduced to $1 per player along with shortened seasons previous. NOTE: Fees will revert to standard pricing in 2023.
2022 Fees to Register | Discounted Registration (on/before 20th February) # 1 | Full Registration Fee (after 20th February) #2 |
Mini Roo's (Non-Competition) | | |
Nursery Squad | $65 | $65 |
Under 6’s to U11’s (Mini Roos) | $100 | $120 |
Competition | | |
Under 12’s through to Under 16’s – NOTE UNIFORM # 4 | $100 | $130 |
Under 18’s | $120 | $155 |
Under 21’s | $150 | $185 |
All Age, Senior Women [W30/O35/W40/O45’s] # 3 | $180 | $215 |
Fourth & subsequent family member under the age of 18 | $60 | $95 |
2022 Fees Reference:
The registration fee includes the St. John Bosco Youth Centre Levy, Match Fees, Sutherland Shire Football Association and Football NSW Association Fees, Football Australia Fees (increased) & club costs.
The Full Registration (SSFA discount removed) applies if registration is completed after midnight on the 20th February 2022.
As fees are already discounted we are not offering any Student rates for 2022.
For 2022 U12-U16 new registrations will receive a free issue uniform (shorts, socks & “loan shirt”)
A “4th player Family Discount” applies to the fourth and subsequent family members with the discounted Registration Fee being a flat rate of $60 (early bird rate) providing the fourth member is under the age of 18. The discount applies to the youngest family members first and only applies to family members residing at the same address. Please note: There is a 4th player option to “select” when registering on-line.
All new Sutherland Shire Football Association players must present an original birth certificate, Passport or Driver’s License at the time of registration. This does not apply to Nursery Squad players. A birth certificate extract is acceptable; however, photocopies cannot be accepted. All new players will also need to produce proof of residency in the Sutherland Shire at the time of registration. The SSFA require either a Driver’s License (unaltered since issue) or a government or financial institution document (not including phone bills). For a child not living in the Sutherland Shire but attends a Sutherland Shire school, a letter provided by the school stating attendance in 2022 is sufficient evidence.
We will have EFTPOS, MasterCard and Visa card payment facilities available on the registration days. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accept payment through Diners or American Express.
Player’s Uniforms
All players registered in the U21s and older age groups will be required to purchase their own shirts, shorts and socks. The complete uniform will be theirs to keep, so they will be responsible to replace or repair it if it becomes lost or damaged.
Players registered in the U12 to U16 age groups will receive a free issue uniform for 2022. This includes a pair of shorts and socks along with the loan shirt as per below note.
Players that are given loan shirts will have their shirts issued by the manager of their team closer to the start of the season. At the end of the season the manager will collect the shirts and advise the Committee who has not returned their shirts. Players that do not return their shirts will be charged the cost of a replacement shirt.
Failure to pay for shirts that were not returned may render the player ineligible to register for the next season, until the payment is made. If you still have any “loaned shirts” at home please bring them with you on the registration days, as we will need them to make up kits for 2022. A copy of the Club’s Uniform and Equipment Policy can be found on our web site.
Product | Details | Price |
Socks | All sizes | $15 |
Shorts | All sizes | $25 |
Shirts | U21s and older age groups only | $35 |
Full Kit | Shirt/Socks/Shorts (ages 21 and over) | $65 |
These items and other merchandise will be on sale at the registration days. There will be other opportunities prior to the season’s kickoff where these items will be available for purchasing at the Woronora Heights Oval Clubhouse (please check the website for further details.)
Nominations to participate as Coach, Ground Appointed Referee or to assist the Committee
The Club encourages all those interested in assisting the Club as a Coach, Manager and/or Ground Appointed Referee to complete the nomination form available on the registration days. Alternatively, you can choose to send an email to the Age Coordinator. The Club will be promoting an aspiration for our Coaches to have some form of accreditation. To assist them in those endeavors we will be subsidising the cost of Grassroots and Junior License Courses that will be conducted at Woronora Heights Oval.
Mini Roos Football Referees
If you would like to be one of the Club’s Mini Roos Referees, please send an email to to register your interest. Please note that to be eligible to be a Mini Roos Referee you must play for one of our teams in the 2022 season OR have played for us previously and are currently playing in a representative team. Mini Roo’s Referees must be minimum 12 years of age or be turning 12 years of age to be eligible.
Ground Control Duties
All players and/or parents are required to participate in ground control activities which consist of field set up, monitoring completion of match cards, crowd control, BBQ and occasionally assisting in refereeing games. We expect a reasonable roll up when your team is rostered on to ground control. Failure to have enough help from your team may result in requests for extra duty being allocated to your team.
Nursery Squad
Our Sky Blue Nursery Squad, for 3, 4 & 5-year old’s will be running again, it be on Sunday mornings at 8:30am to 9:30am and will commence when the season commences at Woronora Heights Oval. Nursery Squad registration fee is $65.00, and registration are available on
If you are interested in helping or have any questions, please email the Junior Registrar - Committee Vacancies
We also welcome new faces to get involved in our committee and for 2022 we have a few vacancies that might suit you!!!
• Canteen / Bar Manager
• Miniroos Coordinator
• Sponsorship Manager
• Publicity Manager
• Events / Photos Coordinator
• General Committee (many positions)
If you would be interested in one of these roles or would like further information, please contact the club president at or another member of the committee.
Bosco Football Club is dedicated to marketing their sponsors to ensure optimal benefits for both parties. Bosco FC will assist activating your sponsorship in an innovative and creative way. All packages can be tailored to your specific needs.
We look forward to forming a great business partnership with you. Please contact us if you want to know how you can become involved and what we can do for you. All enquiries to be sent to
Grading Dates
All grading will conform to the Bosco FC Grading Policy which is available at
More information on grading dates will be posted on the various forms of communication shortly however 2 weeks
starting 7th February to Sunday 20th February are reserved for grading in 2022.
If you have any further questions, contact the grading coordinators (see for contact details.
Pre-season Event
As we have not had much of a chance to celebrate anything for a few years we will be holding a “pre-season” event early in March, 2022. Please keep an eye on emails and social media with more details to follow.
Enquiries, should you have any enquiries please direct them to the relevant Committee contacts below:
President | David McCann | |
Vice President | Jacki O’Riordan | |
Secretary | Wes Gallard | |
Treasurer | Meagan Battam | |
Registrar | Junior (U6 – U16) | Todd Parkinson | |
Registrar | Senior (U18 +) | Gavin Ryan | |
Keep an eye on our web site for upcoming events, then throughout the year for all our usual information on games, results, news items and articles of special interest.
On behalf of the Committee we wish our players and supporters an enjoyable and successful season.
Bosco Football Club